The Covington team also included Laura Brookover, Rebecca Jacobs, Matthew Verdin, Isaac Chaput, Diane Ramirez, and Rohna Houston. Affirming Dropbox’s position in its entirety, the court awarded summary judgment to Dropbox after oral argument, holding that Ironhawk’s trademark rights were weak and that there was no likelihood of consumer confusion. This organization primarily operates in the Prepackaged. Ironhawk sought nearly $100 million in damages. Dropbox, which also operates under the name DROPBOX, is located in San Francisco, California. The lawsuit was filed by Ironhawk Technologies, a defense contractor, which alleged that Dropbox had infringed its trademark rights in the term “Smart Sync” by using the term to describe one of the features of Dropbox’s service offering. Dropbox brought Covington in a few months before trial to reorient its summary judgment strategy and try the case if necessary. The Covington team led by Clara Shin and Jeff Davidsonsecured a significant victory on behalf of Dropbox in a trademark lawsuit pending in the Central District of California.
The companys principal address is 333 Brannan St., San Francisco, CA 94107. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Corporation Service Company and is located at 84 State St., Boston, MA 02109. The companys File Number is listed as 001280250. Dropbox Inc., as one of its 2019 Top Verdicts, recognizing the largest and most significant verdicts in California in 2019. is a Massachusetts Foreign Corporation filed On June 27, 2017. SAN FRANCISCO-The Daily Journal has selected Covington's successful defense of Dropbox Inc., in Ironhawk Technologies v. Daily Journal Selects Covington Defense of Dropbox Inc.